Future Hindsight

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Building the Public Square: Rich Harwood

December 21st, 2023

“We don't believe we can make a difference… but we ARE making a difference.”

Rich Harwood is the president and founder of The Harwood Institute, who just launched a campaign to reclaim the public square from the most divisive voices and build it into a place that can make hope real for all.

The public square is a noisy and messy place where society disagrees, argues, and also finds solutions. It’s through working out expectations, engaging in the work to be on the right path forward, and holding ourselves accountable to our goals that we engender hope. Acknowledging what has already been accomplished, no matter how small, both to yourself and others, makes the work visible to the community. Paying attention to the civic culture of communities is key to success.

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Host: Mila Atmos 

Guest: Rich Harwood

Executive Producer: Mila Atmos

Producer: Zack Travis