
White Supremacy in America
Last week, we were shocked and horrified as a violent mob of the President’s supporters descended on the Capitol, killing a police officer,...

Future Hindsight's Best of 2020
Let’s get straight to the point: 2020 was a very bad, no good year for the world, and we’re beyond excited to leave...

The Destructive Power of Belief
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” George Santayana’s creative maxim is overused, but as the 21st century lumbers...

Why We Need to Defeat Proposition 22
This week on the podcast, we have the pleasure of speaking with Jess Kutch, co-founder of CoWorker.org. We focus on building worker power...

This week, we talk with David Fleischer, the Director of the LA LGBT Center’s Leadership LAB. In response to California’s 2008 Prop 8...

Russia’s Chaos Doctrine
This week we are looking at fake news from the perspective of national security. (Spoiler alert: it makes us all less safe in...

George Lakoff's Truth Sandwich
As we move deeper into our tenth season, we want to make sure we’re providing solutions, not just discussing problems. Last week, we...

Trump's Authoritarian Tactics During COVID-19
For our latest episode, we had the privilege of sitting down with PEN America’s Washington Director, Thomas O. Melia. We discussed authoritarian power-grabs...

The Environmental Impact of COVID-19
Welcome to the Future Hindsight blog, lockdown edition! First and foremost, we hope this post finds you, your family, loved ones, and friends...

Mila’s Podcast Magazine Feature
Earlier this month, our host and executive producer Mila Atmos sat down with Lisbeth A. Tanz of Podcast Magazine for a look inside her journey...

What's the #1 Guarantee of a Good Education?
During our recent conversation with Daniel Markovits about rampant inequality in America, we were struck by how much education either makes or breaks...